
Integrated Framework for Sustained Ocean Observations task team

Activities and teleconferences

Teleconference 1: 4 February 2010

The first teleconference of the post-OceanObs'09 conference working group reviewed the terms of reference of the group, named itself the Integrated Framework for Sustained Ocean Observations task team (IFSOO-TT), addressed gaps in membership, discussed initial ideas for a framework, and developed a work plan for the task team.

Download report of the first teleconference »

Teleconference 2: 25 March 2010

The second teleconference of the task team reviewed an outline for a framework document, further developed the principles for the framework, and discussed how the framework could be built on existing structures.

Download report of the 2nd teleconference »

Teleconference 3: 28 April 2010

The third teleconference focused largely on preparation for the first face-to-face meeting.

Download report of the 3rd teleconference »

First meeting: 17-19 May 2010

More about this meeting »

Second meeting: 1-3 September 2010

More about this meeting »

Teleconference: 1 December 2010

This teleconference focused on gathering team member feedback to the first consultative draft of the Framework for Ocean Observations.

Download report of this teleconference »



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