
Invited Plenary Talks and Plenary Papers

Invited by the conference organizers; will have one lead author with other contributing authors; built from community white paper input:

  • Theme 2: For scientific results and potential based on global observations these will: summarize progress in the last decade; identify the big remaining research questions and challenges; and identify current and needed assets in the observing system that will allow progress, making reference to the Community White Papers on observing networks.
  • Theme 3: For services, forecasts, and impacts/management these will provide particular examples of the benefits of ocean information, outlining the scientific and technological underpinnings of generating services for society, identifying the current and needed elements of an observing system in order to make progress. They will make reference the appropriate Community White Papers.
  • Theme 4: For frontiers of global ocean observations these will be visionary papers based on upcoming in situ or satellite technology and projects, making reference the submissions from the Community White Papers.
  • Theme 5: For the benefits of global and regional ocean observations, these will describe the plan for the coming decade for a sustained, interdisciplinary observing system and showcasing examples of significant benefits, confronting in particular the frameworks in place and needed to make progress.

Part of the meeting record
10 typeset pages max (20-25 double-space 12 pt pages), 10 figures max
presented by the invited lead author at the meeting

Conference draft due 1 September 2009 for web publication

Anonymous peer review.

 Contact: info .at. oceanobs09.net © 2009 IOC/UNESCO